Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Statement of Purpose.

Over the past two years I have been busy planning on pursuing higher education. I had many options before me and ultimately I decided to pursue MS in the Land of Unlimited Opportunity - The United States of America. Taking the GRE and the TOEFL were some of the initial challenges that I faced towards realizing this dream. However, the biggest challenge of all was still awaiting me and that was writing my Statement of Purpose. Never had I thought that it would be such a difficult task. But today after submitting my applications I realize that it was all about keeping some few points in mind. Here are a few that I would like to share to all those who are planning to pursue their higher education.

The most important point that needs to kept in mind in the Chronological Flow of your essay. Things should be put in the chronological order in which they occurred. This is a rule and must be given the highest priority when writing the SOP. A deviation from this rule can almost lead to rejection of your application.

Keeping in mind the above rule we now come to writing the SOP. Here are some tips that I deem would be helpful:-
1. Write an Introductory paragraph.
2. A brief paragraph on Schooling & Pre- University(which you mention as final years of schooling)
3. A brief on your Undergrad years.
4. A brief on life after undergrad (which may include research or work experience etc.)
5. A brief paragraph explaining why that course (i.e. go through the program website and look at subjects offered and then claim how you think they are your strengths)
6. A brief paragraph on your Short Term and Long Term Goals (This is the most important part)
7. A brief on extra circular activities (Do mention some Social Work as it will have a significant role)
8. A concluding paragraph on why that University. Highlight points on location (how it will help you for both your career and your personality). Describe on how it provides you with the opportunity to learn new cultures. Mention how you can be an asset to that university

In my opinion the above eight points are sufficient to bring about your entire profile in front of the admissions committee. Do remember that they are weighing your profile with hundreds of equally competitive profiles. So your goal - 'Bring out all the details but let the contents be brief and to the point'. Don’t drag anything for long, it will make you profile weak and boring.

While writing the SOP another important rule to be kept in mind is that the content should show how over the years your actions have made you ultimately take up this course. For example, it is very obvious that you will not have taken the decision to pursue MS in XXX course back at your school. So how did you arrive at this course? At school you decided to be an engineer. Then you got into an engineering school. You took up a course. Tell what influenced you to take up that course. Here you came to know about the MS in XXX. Say how this course is relevant to your study in the engineering school and how it would add value to your undergraduate study. This way you establish a link from you school to course XXX. The third rule that must kept in mind is -'Be Honest'. This is very critical as false claims if discovered at later stage may jeopardize you career and eventually your life.

These are some of the inputs that I would like to share with all you people. Some of you may think this is just another oridinary article. My intensions here is to help figure out a simply way to construct the SOP essay. I sincerely hope that these tips would come in handy to all you people aspiring to pursue higher education. Any suggestions are always welcome.

Wish you all the very best.